28 May 2015


Oh well! Another year flew by fast and here we are, emotional, teary and very excited at the same time, that’s a lot of feelings for the few days that we have left.

I don’t know about you but in my school we are highly encouraged to send homework for the summer but with a limited number of copies it almost feels like our hands are tied right? Well, last year, I borrowed this idea form a fellow teacher and “accommodated it” for my classroom, it worked really well so I will try it this tear again.

What I do is give my students a packet called “58 Days of Summer” which contains 58 strips of activities for the summer. All they have to do is cut each stripe and paste it on their journals. Some of the activities are very relaxed like go to the store and write a list or go to a website and learn something (they may need a password, so you could probably modify that if your district doesn’t provide it). The purpose is to keep them busy and don’t let them forget about school. So, during the last week of school I give them about 20 minutes every day to cut and paste everything in their journals. All the activities are in Spanish but they may not have to do everything in Spanish.

Please visit my store and enjoy this packet for free for a limited time on TPT: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/END-OF-THE-YEAR-HOMEWORKTarea-para-Fin-de-ano-1874859

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